So Long Senior-itis..

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States, High School seniors have had many important moments taken away from them such as spring sports, prom and graduation. Normally around this time many seniors would begin to check out of their study habits and into excitement, but it does not look like any seniors will be experiencing “senior-it is” this year.
What’s Going On..?
Across Columbia, all Richland 1 public schools have shut down due to the outbreak of COVID-19 leaving schools in the area completely deserted. Those who may be experiencing the most suffering from the lack of socialization provided by school are high school seniors. The shutdown took away many exciting moments for these seniors that they now will no longer be able to experience.
Dreher High School senior, Canaan Michel, was looking forward to experiencing her last semester of high school this spring until the COVID-19 pandemic ended it early, “Then I didn’t even get to like experience the whole feeling because it was just like taken away.” Michel is a student athlete who played tennis in the fall and ran track in the spring. Besides missing sports, socialization and friends; she really misses the rewarding feeling she gets from finishing a track meet and celebrating after with her family by eating out at local restaurants.
What’s Being Done..?
According to Principal of A.C. Flora, Susan Childs, many of the students are growing tired of the virtual online classes and miss the social interactions the get from going to school each day. Principal Childs feels a lot of sympathy for her students especially those that are seniors graduating in early June. Currently, Principal Childs is working on putting together a safe parade at A.C. Flora to honor the seniors and the school year similar to the one done this past week in Lexington-Richland 5.